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Keeping Magician Lake Healthy

May 11, 2020: SAD Update

Magician Lake Neighbors,
Please read this important update concerning the Special Assessment District (SAD) renewal for the invasive weed issues in Magician Lake. The Silver Creek Township Board has waived the normal petition process as part of the SAD renewal due to COVID-19. This means that taxpayers will not need to sign a petition this year.

This process is handled by the township. We wanted to share this message because a number of you have been asking about signing a petition based on a prior post.

The letter that Silver Creek taxpayers will receive will provide next steps in the process. Please contact the township directly if you have questions after reading the letter.

Thank you!
MLIA Board


June 17, 2019

MLIA Board Trustee Don Blackmond (left), and MLIA President Mick Braman (right) recently attended the 58th annual Michigan Lake Stewardship Association conference, at the Crystal Mountain Resort in Thompsonville, MI. Some of the Key topics discussed at the conference include:

  1. PFAS, Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Michigan waters and watersheds, issues and actions.

  2. Lake Levels, Dams, and the Role of Drain Commissioners on Inland Lakes in Michigan.

  3. Wake Boats, Issues and Impacts for Michigan Lakes. Both sides of the story.

  4. The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Support Lake Management

  5. Aquatic Invasive Species. State of Michigan Actions and Joint Efforts of the AIS Task Force

  6. CLMP. The Role of Lake Volunteers and Water Testing in Conjunction  with Michigan’s CLMP Program.

Please refer to Don Blackmond or Mick Braman if you would like to discuss these topics in further detail. Also, please refer to Michigan Lake Stewardship Associations at

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